1 Present: Roger Morton, Alison Jarvis, David Sillitoe, Alison Shipperlee, Avril Allen, Bernadette Blade, Chris White, Richard Barran, Elizabeth Barber and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Katie Barron, Michael Green, Linda Mathewsman, Richard Hawkins, Pam Johnson and Simon Ferguson.
3 Minutes of last meeting: Agreed.
4 Finance: No Change.
5 Neighbourhood Watch: Nothing to report from this area. Katie Barron would welcome any feed back email catherine.barron@yahoo.co,uk
6 Environment: (a) Speed limit in Albert Street. Herts Highways quote for this was grossly over the limit as was improving the “bumps” in Sopwell Lane.
(b) Gritting. Grit will be available but a telephone no and address is required to accept delivery. Roger is willing for his to be used. Chris would be able to supply a bin.
(c) Street lighting. Turning off street lights at midnight is starting. Concern was expressed that this is too early. One am is considered a better time.
(d) 4 Ryder Seed Mews. This has now been restored as required.
(e) Water leak in Albert Street. The water company have been informed and it is hoped will shortly repair it.
7 The Goat: Following considerable discussion, Roger and Richard have agreed to meet the licensee and also be present when the brewery reps visit. It is advisable to ring up the noise complaints each time there is such a disturbance tel 811155 between 20.00- 01,00 hrs. There is also a hot line 07770701720.
8 St Albans City Forum. This forum is currently a sub-committee of the District Council to which representatives of interested groups are invited to attend. There is a proposal to expand it's role so that St Albans City (excluding the remainder of the district) can have a representative group that will have a similar function to a parish council. Thus the residents of St Albans alone would be able to make decisions for the City. There would be a budget for the forum carved out of existing District Council allocations (i.e. no new money). Roger attended the last forum and Richard Barran has agreed to attend the next one on 7th February.
9 Xmas dinner. This was enjoyed, but Eric made an error in the numbers so that an extra person had to be paid for. Some concern was expressed on having to pay for last minute cancellations. There was, also, no choice of main course. David to be reimbursed as he had cancelled one person prior to the dinner.
10 Newsletter. It was not possible to get out a newsletter in early January. Put on agenda for next meeting.
11 Invitation to local residents. A provisional date is Wednesday 18th April, possibly at the Garibaldi.
12 Any other business. It is expected that the second bench in Samuel Square will soon be removed. No street party to be held for the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee.
!3 Next Meeting : !2th March 2012