The Residents’ Association for Sopwell Lane, Albert Street, Pageant Road, Hart Road, The Ryder Seed Mews Estate, Saracens Head Yard, Pearce’s Walk and Keyfield Terrace
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Tuesday 10 January 2023 at 8pm
at the White Hart Hotel, Holywell Hill, St Albans
1. Present: Officials: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer
Cllrs Jacqui Taylor, Chris White
And: 4 residents of Sopwell Lane
1 resident of Pageant Road
2 residents of Saracens Head Yard
2. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Danny Clare, Simon Grover
4 residents
3. Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the annual general meeting held on Tuesday 11th January 2022 had been circulated by email and a copy was made available at this meeting. The minutes were approved.
4. Matters arising: None
5. Finances: Anthony Hyde presented a detailed account of the finances for the period from 1st January 2022 to 31st December 2022. In summary, we began this financial period with a balance of £376.28, received £5 and spent £20 which left us with a balance of £361.28. The meeting unanimously approved the accounts.
6. Election of officials: The Chair, Vice Chair, Minutes Secretary and Webmaster were all willing to continue for the coming year. The Treasurer wishes to step down (having moved out of SAPHRA’s area) but had kindly agreed to continue until a new treasurer can be found. The meeting agreed, unanimously, that the key officials and holders of other roles going forward would be as follows:
Key officials
- Chair Roger Morton
- Vice Chair Angela King
- Treasurer Anthony Hyde
Other roles
- Minutes secretary Cathy Jones
- Webmaster Richard Barran (Working from his home in France)
7. Representation on the City Neighbourhoods Committee of St Albans District Council:
The meeting agreed that the Chair would continue to represent the Association at Meetings of the City Neighbourhoods Committee, with the Vice Chair as alternate if the Chair was unavailable.
8. There being no further business the AGM was declared closed.
The Residents’ Association for Sopwell Lane, Albert Street, Pageant Road, Hart Road, The Ryder Seed Mews Estate, Saracens Head Yard, Pearce’s Walk and Keyfield Terrace
Notes of SAPHRA Meeting held on Tuesday 10th January 2023 at 8pm
at the White Hart Hotel, Holywell Hill, St Albans
1. Present: Officials: Chair, Vice Chair, Treasurer
Cllrs Jacqui Taylor, Chris White
In addition: 4 residents of Sopwell Lane, 2 residents of Albert Street, 1 resident of Pageant Road, 2 residents of Saracens Head Yard
2. Apologies for absence: Cllrs Danny Clare, Simon Grover, and 4 residents
3. The main subjects discussed at the meeting were:
- Finances and bank account:
The balance in our account with Metro Bank currently stands at £361.28. In addition we have been promised, but have not yet received, a grant of £100.00 from St Albans District Council.
- Herts County Council - High Street Recovery Trial:
The gates to close various streets have now been put in place. Market Place and George Street are closed to traffic all the time (apart from a morning window for deliveries) and High Street is closed at weekends. This current trial is for 12 months. You can respond to the ongoing consultation about the road closures at:
- St Albans District Council proposals for the City Centre Opportunity Site North and Culture:
Rampant inflation and the greatly increased cost of borrowing have led to the proposal being paused. This will allow time for the development of a cultural strategy for the City.
- St Albans District Council Car Parking Strategy:
The strategy is in development.
- St Albans District Council City Neighbourhoods Committee:
The CNC has not met since SAPHRA’s last meeting. The next CNC meeting is on 2nd February.
- On-street parking and the proposed pinch-point in Sopwell Lane:
All work by District Council Officers on this issue had been put on hold due to HCC proposals for a road closure in Old London Road. SADC has not yet received formal notification from HCC that the road closure will not be taking place. When that confirmation is received SADC officers will resume work on the Sopwell Lane issue.
- The green oasis in Sopwell Lane:
Maintenance and planting continues. Some gifts of plants and seeds have been received. Hedging to screen the back wall is due to arrive in the Spring. A SAPHRA member has kindly started a blog about the project at
- Date of next meeting
SAPHRA’s next meeting will be held on Monday 6th March 2023 at 8pm in the first-floor meeting room (Resident’s Lounge) in the White Hart Hotel, 23-25 Holywell Hill, St Albans, AL1 1EZ.
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