1 Present: Roger Morton, Elizabeth Barber, Avril Allen, Pam Johnson, Richard Barran, Jack Pia, David Sillitoe, Linda Mathewsman, Katie Barron and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Michael Green and Alison Shipperlee. 3 Minutes of last meeting: Agreed unanimously
4 Finances: Fund is £414 but a bill of £80 is due to be paid.
5 Neighbourhood Watch: Elizabeth attended a meeting with the police and gave a gist of the matter raised. Could the minutes of this meeting please be forwarded to us. Katie will try and stop Pam still being sent the e-mails. Roger had the hubcaps removed from his car.
6 Environment: Winter plan- our interest in the possibility of a push along grit spreader was noted. A further request for a grit bin will be forwarded to Herts Highways. Two bags of salt may be delivered to us in the autumn. Could rubbish bins be supplied to the housing association houses in Saracens Yard to prevent the misuse of those supplied for the Ryder Seed Mews flats, which are also used for fly tipping Linda will have a look at this area. Complaints of cigarette ends outside the Garibaldi. Roger will speak to The Garibaldi about this. A car is still parking right on the corner of Old London Road and Keyfield Terrace causing obstruction of view. It appears that nothing can be done about this without the requested double yellow line. The tree outside the Pageant Road part of the Ryder Seed Mews Estate has died. It is intended to replace it with a cherry tree. 4 Ryder Seed Mews has been given an enforcement order but state they will await the Spring before acting.
7 Web site: This is now up and running and e-mail messages for the Chairman and secretary can be forwarded. There is also one for everyone@saphra.com
8 Any other business: Barbeque and AGM. Dates for these to be Sunday 4th September and the AGM on Monday 5th September
9 Next meetings: 9th May and 11th July