Minutes of the meeting on 05 September 2016


The residents’ association for Sopwell Lane, Albert Street, Pageant Road, Hart Road, The Ryder Seed Mews Estate, Saracens Head Yard, Pearce’s Walk and Keyfield Terrace


Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on Monday 05 September 2016 at 8pm at the Clarion Collection Hotel, Holywell Hill.

1.  Present: Avril Allen, Bernadette Blade, Jacqueline Briggs, Kam Cheung, Anthony Hyde, Jenny Johnson, Pamela Johnson, Catherine Jones, Angela King, Catriona Martin, Linda Mathewman, Roger Morton, Mary Plackett, Elaine Rainsford, Paul Rainsford, Simon Werrett

2.  Apologies for absence: Katie Barron, Tim Boatswain, Cllr Alec Campbell, Cllr Alun Davies, Charles Davies, Mary Green, Cllr Chris White

3.  Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 07 September 2015 had been circulated by email and a copy was made available at this meeting. The minutes were approved.

4.  Matters arising: None

5.  Finances: Anthony Hyde advised that we began the financial year with a balance of £314.22, received £120 and spent £80 which left us with a balance at year end of £354.22.

6.  Election of officers: The existing officers were all willing to continue for the coming year and the meeting agreed unanimously that they should do so.

                   Chair                    Roger Morton

                   Vice Chair            Katie Barron

                   Secretary             Cathy Jones

                   Treasurer             Anthony Hyde

                   Webmaster          Richard Barran

There being no further business the AGM was declared closed.


Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 05 September 2016 following the AGM at the Clarion Collection Hotel, Holywell Hill.

1.    Present:  Avril Allen, Bernadette Blade, Jacqueline Briggs, Kam Cheung, Anthony Hyde, Jenny   Johnson, Pamela Johnson, Catherine Jones, Angela King, Catriona Martin, Linda Matthewman, Roger Morton, Mary Plackett, Elaine Rainsford, Paul Rainsford, Simon Werrett, Cllr Chris White

2.    Apologies:  Katie Barron, Tim Boatswain, Cllr Alec Campbell, Cllr Alun Davies, Charles Davies, Mary Green

3.    Minutes of previous meeting: The minutes of the meeting held on Monday 11 July 2016 had been circulated by email and a copy was made available at this meeting. The minutes were approved.

4.    Matters arising: None

5.    Finances: Anthony Hyde confirmed that the balance in the bank still remained at £354.22.

6.    Our local environment:

  • Lorry ban / speed restriction / pinch-point in Sopwell Lane:  Cllr Chris White confirmed that Herts Highways are about to move to the next stage, which is the formal consultation.
  • Green oasis in Sopwell Lane: Angela King informed the members that no further action will take place at the site until the construction works on land adjacent to it cease. (The oasis is currently being used for access by builders).
  • Missing bollards in Sopwell Lane (near the Hare And Hounds): Cllr Chris White informed the members that positive discussions have recently taken place and there is a strong likelihood that the bollards will be reinstalled.
  • Void in Albert Street (in the boundary wall of Ryder Seed Mews): The new Chair of the City Neighbourhoods Committee is trying to get focus on this issue. He is pressing his fellow Ward  Councillors to agree a way forward.
  • Improving access to Albert Street Car Park: Debbie White (District Council Officer) is now arranging for a member of her team to estimate the cost of this work.
  • Reinstatement of speed cushions in Albert Street: Cllr Chris White stated that he is more optimistic about the reinstatement of the speed cushions since a budget for ‘pot holes’ has been made available. The speed cushions will be viewed as ‘reverse pot holes’.
  • Pearce’s Walk planter: Roger and Cathy Jones will be sowing wild flower seed in October 2016.
  • Path pipes (cross-pavement rain water drainage): Cllr Chris White has managed to persuade the County Council to repair two dangerous pavement pipes in St Albans, one of which was in Albert Street. We hope that this might be a way forward in the future.
  • Weeds: Cllr Chris White is encouraging members to submit photos and comments to him to take up with the County Council where there are major build-ups of weeds on roads and pavements.

7.    City Neighbourhoods Committee:

  • The minutes of CNC meetings are available on the District Council website

  • The CNC had not met since our last meeting.

  • The next meeting is due to be held on Thursday 08 September 2016. Angela King has kindly agreed to attend on behalf of SAPHRA.

8.    Registering pubs as Assets of Community Value: Roger informed the members that there had been several changes made to the District Council application form. There is no need for 21 signatures as before, but we are required to submit a copy of our Minutes to show our collective support for an application. Roger will complete and submit the forms to register the White Hart Tap as an ACV in accordance with the decision made at our meeting on 09 May 2016.

Elaine and Paul Rainsford, of the Hare And Hounds, informed us that CAMRA have submitted an application to register their pub as an ACV.

9.    Review of family barbecue: It was agreed, unanimously, that the White Lion was an ideal venue to hold the family barbecue. The event was very well attended and the bouncy castle was a great success.

10.  Register of local contractors: We are now receiving a number of recommendations which will be entered into the book and will be made available at each SAPHRA meeting. Thank you and please keep them rolling in.

11. Consultation on controlled parking Zone M: Local residents are still awaiting a copy of the consultation questionnaire from St Albans District Council.

12. Any other business:

  • Local neighbourhood fly tipping: There have been several reports of fly tipping in Saracens Head Yard, the shared footpath behind Albert Street and bins by Keyfield Terrace car park and the Hare and Hounds pub. Members were advised to report any cases of fly tipping to St Albans District Council by ringing 01727 819598 or emailing to acleanerdistrict@stalbans.gov.uk.

13.  Dates:

       Next SAPHRA meeting: To be held on Monday 07 November 2016.

       SAPHRA Christmas party: Tuesday 06 December 2016 (at the Hare And Hounds)

Note regarding Neighbourhood Watch: SAPHRA members are encouraged to sign up for the OWL (On-line Watch Liaison) scheme. SAPHRA can provide OWL sign-up forms to any interested party. It is also possible to sign up for OWL Messages via www.owl.co.uk. For those members who do not have email it is possible to obtain OWL Messages via a home phone (landline).