1 Present: Roger Morton, Richard Barran, Alison Shipperlee, Bernadette Blade, Avril Allen, Katie Barron, Pam Johnson (with two observers) and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Simon McKay and Michael Green.
3 Minutes of last meeting: Agreed
4 Matters arising: The car outside Bernadette’s house has been removed. The van presently parked there belongs to Simon who will shortly be moving away
5 Finance: Remains at £414.40
6 Neighbourhood Watch: Katie will be attending a meeting in June and it is hoped will be registered as our local representative. With any luck she will get the e-mails. Nothing else to note.
7 Environment: Some areas of tarmac on the pavements are being replaced by paving slabs. The gritting bins have not been replenished.
Potholes at beginning of Albert Street need attention. The Garibaldi is under new management and so far there has been an improvement.
8 4 Ryder Seed Mews: So far, apart from a stone edifice being removed, none of the other requirements have been done.
9 Any other business: The dates for the barbeque and AGM were discussed and the suggested dates were 19th and 20th September.
Thank you to Simon and Mercedes for their contributions and best wishes for them in Australia. My apologies to Elizabeth for inadvertently not sending her the date of this meeting.
10 Next meeting: 12th July 2010