1 Present: Roger Morton, Elizabeth Barber, Catherine Barron, Simon Ferguson, David Sillitoe, Linda Mathewsman, Michael Green and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Pam Johnson, Avril Allen and Richard Barran.
3 Minutes of last meeting: Avril Allen attended this meeting, otherwise accepted as correct.
4 Finances: As at last meeting £414 with one cheque for bouncy castle still not cashed.
5 Neighbourhood Watch: Nil to report since last meeting. Pam is still receiving e-mails. Catherine will try to get that changed.
6 Environment: Simon has had concerns about noise at the Goat. It has been reported to the environment officer and has been quiet for the time being. He was advised to keep a log of any further disturbances, as this is useful for reporting.
Rubbish is being tipped in an alcove at the corner of Ryder Seed Mews in Albert street. It really needs to be closed off, but no one knows who is responsible for it. However could the refuge collectors clear it up?
7 Newsletter: Michael would like items for this. It was suggested that the minutes of the last AGM could be put in it and the agenda for the AGM.
8 Barbecue and AGM: Roger called for a roster so that a committee member is present throughout the day. There were several volunteers to undertake this. The idea is to keep an eye on the bouncy castle and to introduce SAPHRA to newcomers.
9 Any other business: Agreed to hold the Xmas dinner at the Comfort Hotel and that an invitation for anyone to attend to be put in the newsletter. Date is Friday 9th December.
10 Next meeting: 14th November 2011