1 Present: Roger Morton, Pam Johnson, Katie Barron, David Sillitoe, Richard Barran, Avril Allen, Michael Green and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Bernadette Blade.
3 Minutes of last meeting: Accepted. As several members had not received them, Eric will e-mail them to all.
4 Finances: The fund is £414. Roger, Richard and Pam will meet and arrange hand over to Richard.
5 Neighbourhood Watch: Anti social behaviour reported in rose garden behind Council Offices and Clarence Park area. Pickpockets on market day in town centre.
Next meeting with police 11th January 7.30pm in Council Offices. As Katie is unable to attend Elizabeth has offered to go.
6 Environment: Street lighting in Alma Cut under consideration by Council.
Further gritting bins to be allocated in St Albans but not for the one in Albert Street as requested. Eric will contact Herts Highways. If request refused? Buy one ourselves provided Herts Highways will supply gritting material.
There has been a complaint concerning noise from Garibaldi pub. This was an unsigned letter. It has not been noticed by SAPHRA. Katie will inform the Police about the car parked on the corner of Keyfield Terrace and Old London Road obstructing the line of view.
7 4 Ryder Seed Mews: No action has yet been taken to repair this property. Apparently the process is very slow!!
8 Christmas Dinner: This will be at the Comfort Hotel on Friday 10th December 7.30 for 8.00pm and is £20 each.
9 Any other business: Richard is getting the web site saphra.com up and running. Suggestion about what you would like in it. It was felt that a twice yearly newsletter should be produced.
10 Next meeting 17th January 2011.