1 Present: Roger Morton, David Sillito, Lizzy McAdam, Steven Grey, Bernadette Blade, Richard Barran, Michael Green, Chris White and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Angel King, Avril Allen, Charles Davies, Pam Johnson and Simon Grover.
3 Minutes of last meeting: Agreed as correct,
4 Finance: Fund is £322.42, less payment for the bouncy castle.
5 Neighbourhood Watch: Alison is receiving e-mails from than which are forwarded to us. She has also attended the meeting.
6 Environment: Albert Street/RSM alcove s still being used for rubbish etc. In spite of being cleared on Friday there was rubbish there on Saturday. It is not known to whom this belongs.
Chris White was concerned at the working of the Herts Highways contractor. The subsidence and kerb at the top end of Albert Street still requires attention, as does the pothole in Pageant Road. The 20mph speed limit for Albert Street and Sopwell Lane is under consideration, as is the signage for large vehicles in Old London Road and Sopwell lane.
Drain at 86 Albert Street is not emptying properly ? Sewage problem,
The gaps in the hedge in front of Keyfield Terrace car park have been filled in.
7 City Neighbourhood Committee: Roger Morton is now a co-opted member. There was in interesting discussion on its functions.
8 Commissioners Community fund: £250,000 is available for projects contributing to priority areas set out in police and crime plan
9 Barbecue: This was a great success with lovely weather and a good turnout with 11 new names added to our list. After the leaflets were sorted out, they were distributed by our chairman!.
10 Any other business: Housing development grant? for AGM
11 Next meeting AGM 9th September 2013