1 Present: Charles Davies, Avril Allen, Richard Barran, Linda Mathewsman, Elizabeth Barber, Pam Johnson, John Humphrey, David Sillitoe and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Bernadette Blade, Michael Green, Katie Barron, Simon Ferguson and Roger Morton.
3 Minutes of last meeting: Date should have read 14th May other wise accepted as correct.
4 Finances: Fund is £380.40. There is £20 due for newsletter. £200 is due from Council for bin.
5 Neighbourhood Watch: Nil to report
6 Environment: Big tree plant. Request replacement of dead tree at Pearces Walk. It was noted that removal of trees in a conservation area usually requires agreement from Council
County council have agreed that pothole in Albert Street requires attention. Requested that the potholes at bottom of Pageant Road and Hart Road could be filled in at the same time.
It was noted that the grit bin in Keyfield Terrace has disappeared.
7 St Albans City Forum: Nil to report.
8 Local residents invitation. Those who were present enjoyed themselves but only one new person turned up.
9 Any other business: Note that on 3rd June there will be a street party in Pageant Road which will be closed up to Hart Road.
A discussion took place concerning the Verulanium Park Friends dissolution and the state of the lake.
The SAPHRA web site is working well and has had several hits.
10 Next meeting: Monday 16th July 2012