1 Present: Roger Morton, Alison Jarvis, Simon Ferguson, Richard Hawkins, Sandra Hawkins, Oliver Crudgington, Avril Allen, Pam Johnson, Bernadette Blade, David Sillitoe, Elizabeth Barber and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Alison Shipperlee,Katie Barron, Michael Green and Linda Mathewsman.
3 Minutes of last meeting: Accepted as correct.
4 Finances: No change. Bill for bouncy castle still awaited.
5 Neighbourhood Watch: Beware of credit card scam via telephone. Advised not to give information to such callers. Further vandalism to bollard light in Ryder Seed Mews.
6 Environment: (a) Speed limits. Tests have been carried out in Albert Street and the general speed noted did not exceed 20mph. It may, therefore, be possible just to have 20mph signs put up.
(b) Gritting. Roger filled in application form for a bin as required. Nothing further has developed
(c) Part street lighting. It is expected that Pageant Road And Hart Road will have the lights off after midnight. Albert Street and Sopwell Lane will not be affected. Ryder Seed Mews have no plans to switch off lights.
(d) The Goat. An instructive meeting has been held with the procreators and other interested parrties, the outcome of which has shown much improvement. It is hoped that thiswill continue.
7 St Albans City Forum Richard was unable to attend the last meeting. There is nothing of importance to report.
8 Invitation to local residents: Suggested date 1st April in the Garibaldi at 8.00pm, provided that a newsletter can be sent round. Roger will speak to Michael.
9 Any other business: Several complaints about dog poo in Albert Street. Eric will notify environmental health
10 Next meetings 14th May and 16th July