1 Present: Roger Morton, Avril Allen, Bernadette Blade, Elizabeth Barber, Richard Barran, Michael Green and Eric Thurston.
2 Apologies for absence: Katie Barron, Alison Shipperlee, Pam Johnson.
3 Minutes of last meeting: Approved.
4 Finance: No change
5 Neighbourhood Watch: Katie had attended a meeting with the Police. There was little of concern to report. Katie is now on the e-mail list.
6 Environment: Tarmac on the pavements still requires improvement in some areas. Bollards have been erected in Hart Road. They fulfil no adequate function and should be removed. A gritting bin would e of use outside the Garibaldi. The hedge in Keyfield Terrace car park needs cutting back as does the one in Albert Street car park. The double yellow line on the corner of Keyfield Terrace and Old London Road needs to be taken round the corner to prevent parking on the corner. The traffic sign on the lamp post on the corner of Hart Road and Pageant Road fulfils no useful purpose and should be removed. There have been no further complaints concerning the Garibaldi.
7 4 Ryder Seed Mews: As the Council has had no reply; an enforcement order is to be served. The difficulty is that it is owned by an American Company that is, apparently, in financial difficulties.
8 SAPHRA barbeque and AGM. The dates, as agreed, are confirmed. Barbeque Sunday 19th September and AGM Monday 20th September. Roger has ordered the Bouncy Castle.
9 Newsletter. Michael will undertake this. He would like, however, suggestions for inclusion
10 Any other business: The question of subs to be raised at our next meeting.
11 Next meeting following the AGM Monday 8th November at 8.00pm in the Comfort Hotel